Cookie Notification

Official USNH websites use cookies to enhance the user experience and new laws require websites to disclose this usage. Visitors must encounter a pop-up notification informing them of website cookie usage along with a link to the full USNH privacy policy upon arriving at any USNH site.

USNH Privacy Policy

Purpose and audience

Various national and global laws governing privacy, including, but not limited to, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as well as some 3rd party vendors require notifying users about website cookie usage. These laws apply to all USNH website visitors.

Notification software

USNH ET&S Software Development is responsible for managing cookie pop-up notifications.


The first time a visitor views a  website supported by USNH ET&S Software Development, a cookie pop-up will present visitors with a message alerting them that the site uses cookies and that by continuing to use the site they agree to the use of cookies in accordance with the USNH website Privacy Policy. If a user clicks to accept the message, the pop-up will not appear again in that browser for that user on any USNH website on the same domain.

If a site is not an ET&S site, then the site must be programmed to display that pop-up notification to any first-time visitor to the site. The appearance and language should match what is used on the sites, with a link to the privacy policy.

Third-party software

Some websites use third-party software to provide additional services, such as ecommerce or appointment scheduling. If a third-party software requires its own separate cookie policy notification, whenever possible that notification should be customized to use the approved USNH digital palette and should link to a cookie usage statement on the vendor’s website, not on the USNH website. If the USNH privacy policy covers the usage of the vendor’s software, then the standard USNH cookie pop-up described above should be used.


For questions about cookie notifications please contact ET&S .

Responsibility for usage

All site owners of non-ET&S sites are responsible for implementing the pop-ups on their sites.


If inappropriate or inaccurate cookie notification is discovered, USNH ET&S will contact the account user to discuss the issue. If the account owner cannot be contacted or is no longer at USNH, that cookie pop-up will be administered by ET&S and can be removed or corrected if deemed inaccurate or inappropriate. When usage is obviously unacceptable, ET&S will immediately remove or correct the pop-up prior to contacting the account owner. Reports regarding inappropriate notification may be sent to ET&S.