My Name is Attorney Gareth Brown. I have my client's (Mr. Charles Jackson Jr.) firm instruction to contact you and help finalize the claims of the donated cash prize to you. My client was the mega winner of $344.6 million Power ball Mega Millions Jackpot: WATCH HIM HERE: 

He is donating the Sum of One Million United States Dollars each to 10 random people. After a computerized email selection system (ESS) from a database of over 100,000,000.00 email addresses drawn from all the email server's world wide, your email was selected to receive the donation prize courtesy of my client benevolence. Your secret donation code allotted to you is: JAN441672020468302.

Get back to me at the earliest, so i can send you further details for claims without delay. Congratulations once again!

Yours truly,

Attorney Gareth Brown

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