07 - 015 Non-Employee Travel


Certain individuals that are not employees of USNH may periodically incur USNH business-related travel expenses. These individuals are subject to the same travel guidelines as USNH employees. Typical non-employees who travel on USNH business include job applicants, guest speakers, students (both graduate and undergraduate), members of USNH Boards of Trustees, volunteers, and paid consultants.

For paid consultants, provisions for reimbursement of all out-of-pocket expenses, including travel costs, should be included in each consulting agreement. If an agreement does not include such provisions, the consultant must follow the terms set out for USNH employees as published in the other policies included in this section. Consultants incurring out of pocket travel costs associated with their work for USNH must invoice their travel expenses as a component of their service fees. These costs should be charged to a USNH account codes in the 717 – Professional Services range, and will be included on the U.S. Form 1099 (or equivalent) issued each year.

For all other non-employees, a request for reimbursement of travel expenses incurred using the standard USNH form must be submitted along with all original receipts for any non-employee cost reimbursement.


1.   Non-employees may make their own travel arrangements at the discretion of the USNH department authorizing the travel, provided they fully adhere to all USNH Travel Policies/Procedures.

2.   Non-employees may not receive USNH cash advances for any costs.

3.   Rental vehicles:

a.   Non-employees traveling with USNH employees who rent a vehicle using their USNH Purchasing Card will have CDW and LDW coverage under the Master Card Guide to Benefits only if their names are on the auto rental agency contract at the time the vehicle is picked up. USNH travelers should verify coverage with the rental agency prior to allowing non-employees to drive rental vehicles. If in doubt, a USNH employee should complete the rental and drive the vehicle (see Procedure 07-010 Vehicle Rental Expenses).

b.   All other non-employees traveling on USNH business who rent a vehicle are not covered for CDW or LDW under USNH insurance policies. These travelers should purchase both the CDW and LDW and request reimbursement from USNH.

4.   A non-employee traveling on USNH business that has been approved by the Department Head may be reimbursed for mileage at the IRS mileage rate or a lesser amount. The business purpose must be clearly documented.

5.   Travel Meals: Reimbursements should follow the guidelines for USNH employees (see Procedure 07-007 Travel Meals). The USNH business purpose must be provided to determine if the meal falls under the IRS Accountable Plan Rules or if the meal cost is taxable compensation.

6.   Special visa rules apply to foreign individuals who:

a. Are not USNH employees,
b. Travel on behalf of USNH either to or from the U.S., and
c. Receive reimbursement for that travel.

Departments should contact their campus Office of International Students/Studies for assistance in this area.

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