F. Compensation

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "USA.V.F.5.1.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

5.   Pay by Hour Policies (Pertains to N/E Pay Policies)

5.1   Hours Worked

5.1.1   Meal Periods. Per policy USY V.F.5.1.5 and in compliance with state law, no non-exempt staff member may be required to work more than five (5) consecutive hours without an unpaid half hour meal break. Contact the Personnel Office if questions arise about conformance with the law.

5.2   Overtime. All overtime must be approved by the supervisor and endorsed by the Principal Administrator or designee prior to being worked by the staff member.

5.2.1   Compensatory Time. Prior to the performance of the work, the Principal Administrator or designee must be made aware of the staff member's and immediate supervisor's mutual agreement of compensatory time in lieu of a cash payment.   Records. Per policy USY F. the supervisor is responsible for maintaining records pertaining to overtime and supporting the use of compensatory time.

6.   Procedures for Curtailed Operations--System Office - Concord, NH

6.1   For those employees who work at the System Office, an announcement of delayed opening, curtailed operations or early dismissal will come from the Chancellor's Office. In the absence of an announcement of curtailed operations, the System Office will remain open for normal business hours.

6.2   Other Considerations

6.2.1   In the event of inclement weather, each employee should use his/her judgment and inform his/her supervisor if the employee feels it is unsafe to travel to work.

6.2.2   During curtailed operations employees who are able to perform some or all of their work at locations other than their place of work will be expected to do so.

6.2.3   During curtailed operations employees may be specifically requested to work by a supervisor or his/her designee. In such cases, non-exempt staff members will receive an equal number of hours of compensatory time.

6.2.4   A staff member who has, for whatever reason, already planned to be absent from work on a day of a delayed opening, curtailed operations, or early dismissal, must still deduct one day from his/her leave time.

6.2.5   If an employee has any questions regarding delayed openings, curtailed operations, or early dismissals, he/she should contact his/her supervisor.

7.   Compensation of Principal Administrators:

7.1   This policy is promulgated pursuant to USNH Board and System policies (BOT V.F.2.4 and USY V.F.11) and is intended to comply with all provisions of those policies, including decision-making and reporting requirements.

7.2   Base compensation for Principal Administrator (PA) positions at the University System Office will be annually reviewed and evaluated using data from appropriate comparator organizations.

7.2.1   In general, the University System Office will seek to maintain base compensation for PA positions at or slightly below the midpoint of the market, although there may be circumstances in which the University System Office will wish to lead or lag a market.

7.3   Some portion of PA total compensation (as opposed to base compensation) should be "at risk," i.e. merit-based and bonus pay that is provided (or not) based on job performance.

7.3.1   The size of the "at risk" portion of total compensation will be set with reference to total compensation paid by market comparators. As a pay-for-performance culture matures at the University System Office, the "at risk" portion will rise.

7.3.2   To the extent possible, goals driving merit and bonus pay will be quantifiable and, in all cases, clearly measureable.

7.3.3   Any merit pay increases for PAs will be based on accomplishing goals identified and agreed upon at the beginning of the review period.

7.3.4   Bonus pay will be available for accomplishments above and beyond agreed goals. Usually these accomplishments will be related to the Chancellor's and/or the University System Office's goals.   Bonus pay will have both individual and team components.   The merit pay and bonus pay structures will have a zero, minimum, mid-point and maximum payment potential scheme.

7.4   In general, a PA's total compensation will not exceed the 80th percentile among comparators.

This page last updated . For information on the adoption and effective dates of policies please see explanation on the OLPM Main Menu.