III. Administrative Policies
Table of Contents
PSU Plymouth State University :: III. Administrative Policies
A. Policy Development and Distribution
2. Delegation of Authority
B. Alcohol Service for University Events/Activities
C. Safety Policy and Procedures
- Policy
- Implementation
- PSU Safety Organization
- PSU Safety Committee
D. Weapons on Plymouth State University Premises
- Purpose
- Exception
- Violation
- Storage
A. Policy Development and Distribution
(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "PSU.III.A.2.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)
2. Delegation of Authority
2.1 Where appropriate to have institutional level policy, the President of Plymouth State University will appoint policy committees, as needed and based on recommendation of the welfare committees, that will consist of one faculty member, one Professional, Administrative and Technical staff (PAT), one Operating Staff (OS), and one campus administrator. These committees will be responsible for developing relevant campus policies for review and approval of the Principal Administrators of Plymouth State University. Established policies will then be forwarded to USNH for final review and processing.
B. Alcohol Service for University Events/Activities
(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "PSU.III.B.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)
1. All New Hampshire laws relating to the service of alcoholic beverages must be adhered to at all times. All Town of Plymouth ordinances which pertain to alcoholic beverage service and "open container" of alcohol laws must be adhered to on university property.
2. PSU students who are sponsoring an event on university property and desire to have alcoholic beverage services provided at the event must seek approval through the Director of the Hartman Union Building. Any other persons who are sponsoring an event and desire to have alcoholic beverage services provided at the event must seek approval through the Manager of Conferences and Special Events. Depending on the specific size, type, and location of the activity, it will be determined whether the food service catering license or a one-day permit to serve alcoholic beverages will be needed. No alcoholic beverages can be sold at any function that occurs on university property without the proper state license. Only authorized staff of the food service company or a department possessing a state-granted one-day permit will be allowed to serve alcoholic beverages.
2.1 Exceptions. The following will be exempted from the procedural provisions of this section and shall be approved on a case by case basis by the institution. Under no conditions will students participate in these events.
2.1.1 Official University events sponsored by the PSU Office of the President.
2.1.2 Events held at Frost Academic Commons utilizing the University's food service catering liquor license and served by such authorized staff.
2.1.3 Frost Academic Commons Board must notify the President and Provost for approval to sponsor faculty events that include alcoholic beverages. All such events must be in accordance with Frost Commons Board procedures.
3. Non-alcoholic beverages and food must be provided at any event where alcoholic beverages are available.
4. BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle) events are not permitted at Plymouth State University without the approval of the President.
5. A person may be refused alcoholic beverage service if s/he is not in possession of a picture identification card with positive date of birth (driver's license, passport, or military identification card as per New Hampshire state law).
6. See Residential Life policies pertaining to use and possession of alcoholic beverages in residential facilities.
7. Alcoholic beverages should not be served or consumed in academic classrooms or in any offices on campus. Service of alcoholic beverages will only be approved for function or meeting rooms on campus. There may be special occasions when alcoholic beverage service will be allowed in campus dining facilities.
8. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in university vehicles.
9. Due to New Hampshire state laws, liability issues and concern for the health and well being of individuals, alcoholic beverage servers will not serve anyone who is intoxicated.
C. Safety Policy and Procedures
(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "PSU.III.C.1.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)
1. Policy
1.1 This policy sets forth Plymouth State University's commitment to provide and maintain a healthy and safe environment for employees, students and visitors.
1.2 Plymouth State University is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment and to complying with federal, state and local statutes and ordinances and USNH policy.
1.3 Plymouth State University is responsible for information and programs directed at protecting the environment and the health and safety of employees, students, and visitors.
1.4 Supervisors are accountable for the health and safety of persons who report to them.
1.5 Supervisors shall ensure that persons directed by them understand and comply with prescribed safety regulations and work practices.
1.6 Management shall investigate all hazards of which they become aware and shall take appropriate corrective action.
1.7 Employees must comply with statutory requirements and established safe work practices and report unsafe or hazardous conditions to their supervisors.
1.8 Contractors and subcontractors undertaking work for Plymouth State University must comply with all relevant environmental health and safety statutes and policies.
2. Implementation
2.1 The authority and responsibility for the implementation of this policy is assigned to the Department of Physical Plant, Environmental Services.
2.2 The Department of Physical Plant, Environmental Services, in conjunction with the Plymouth State University Safety Committee, will provide regular reports to all the PSU faculty and staff concerning the continuing status of health and safety programs and of any outstanding orders issued to the College for breaches of health and safety or environmental statutes.
3. PSU Safety Organization
3.1 Responsibilities
3.1.1 Establish a coordinator of the PSU Safety Committee
3.1.2 Advise and coordinate departmental safety committees
3.1.3 Establish and maintain a safety library
3.1.4 Coordinate and schedule safety and health training for employees
3.1.5 Review, investigate and report all accidents/incidents involving employees, students and visitors to PSU Safety Committee
3.1.6 Advise the administration and PSU Safety Committee on all matters of safety, health and environmental issues
3.1.7 Conduct safety/health inspections at least annually of all work places and submit audits to the PSU Safety Committee
3.1.8 Enforce safety rules and regulations pursuant to the personnel policies as set forth in USY V.C.8.2, 8.3 and 9
4. PSU Safety Committee
4.1 Membership
4.1.1 Administrative representatives shall consist of the following: Director of Physical Plant Director of Personnel Supervisor of Environmental Services
4.1.2 Employee representatives shall be selected by employees and shall include at least the following: Operating Staff (four (4) members) PAT staff members (two (2) members) Faculty (two (2) members)
4.1.3 Ex officio members shall be: Personnel Office's Workers' Compensation clerk Physical Plant Office Administrator (recorder)
4.1.4 Any employee who participates in Committee activities shall be paid at his/her regular rate of pay for all time spent on such activities
4.2 Responsibilities
4.2.1 Hold quarterly meetings and maintain minutes
4.2.2 Elect chairperson -- position must be rotated between administrative and employee representatives
4.2.3 Review previous meeting minutes and follow up on recommendations made by committee
4.2.4 Review accident and investigation reports, generate recommendations for safety standards and rules and assign responsibilities and target dates for implementation
4.2.5 Disseminate to all employees a Safety Committee policy along with clearly established goals and objectives of the Committee
4.2.6 Provide means for review by all employees of current safety programs
4.2.7 Discuss and recommend for approval or disapproval proposed new safety policies and procedures
4.2.8 Make recommendations for specific safety training topics and participate in safety training
D. Weapons on Plymouth State University Premises
(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "PSU.III.D.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)
1. Purpose: A safe and secure working and learning environment is a top priority for Plymouth State University. To support this commitment to safety for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors, use and possession of all firearms, other dangerous weapons intended to inflict injury, or explosives are prohibited on any property owned, controlled or operated by Plymouth State University.
2. Exception: This policy does not apply to
- Law enforcement officers while actively engaged in carrying out their duties and any trained security personnel when approved in advance by the university's Director of Public Safety or his designee. The Director of Public Safety may grant permission in writing to an individual, academic or research department, or operational department to possess a weapon or ammunition on campus for instructional or other qualified purposes subject to conditions as approved by the Director of Public Safety.
3. Violation: Any person violating this policy shall be subject to appropriate legal action, sanctions under the student code of conduct, and administrative sanctions as applicable for just cause.
4. Storage: Subject to available space limitations, the Director of Public Safety may store firearms for faculty and staff upon request.