VI. Property Policies
Table of Contents
A. Campus Master Plans: Development
B. Campus Master Plans: Maintenance
- Revisions
- Amendments
C. Campus Facilities Plans (six year)
- Plan Description
- Consistency with Master Plan
D. Campus Projects Schedules (two-year)
- Date Due
- Consistency with Six-Year Plan
- Revisions
F. Operation and Maintenance of Property
- University System Authority
- Delegation of Authority
- Policy on Environmental Health and Safety
- Policy on Use of Technological Resources - replaced by the Cybersecurity Policy
- Information Technology Security Policy - replaced by the Cybersecurity Policy
- USNH Data Classification Policy - replaced by the Information Classification Policy
- Privacy Policy - moved to USY VIII.E
- USNH Password Policy - moved to USY VIII.D
A. Campus Master Plans: Development
Each institution shall develop and submit to the Chancellor a Campus Master Plan which includes at least the following:
1. Plan horizon date, which shall be at least 20 and not more than 25 years distant.
2. Planning assumptions as to numbers, departmental distribution and activities of students, faculty and staff at current and horizon dates.
3. Space program for horizon date, defining requirement by departmental and activity groups.
4. Comprehensive analysis of existing buildings, potential building sites, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems, parking, natural conditions and site improvements, and utility systems.
5. Boundaries of all real property holdings (including leased property) and the locations of all buildings, streets, walks, utility lines, parking lots, athletic fields, etc.
6. Identification of major capital improvement projects for which substantially full construction funding has been committed.
7. Graphic representation of major functional interrelationships between existing buildings.
8. Narrative statement of the physical development goals and priorities which the Master Plan will attempt to achieve.
9. Narrative statement of broad design and planning concepts underlying specific recommendations of the Plan.
10. Detailed narrative, tabular and graphic recommendations for physical changes to provide the space, and achieve the goals identified in the preceding analysis, by the Plan horizon date, including all significant new and existing buildings, vehicular circulation and parking, pedestrian circulation and landscape design, utility systems, phasing, cost estimates, and executive summary.
B. Campus Master Plans: Maintenance
1. Revisions. Each institution shall revise its Campus Master Plan not more than five years after the submittal date of the original plan, and at intervals of not more than five years thereafter. Periodic revisions shall include a new horizon date, planning assumptions and detailed recommendations as required for the original plan, revised to reflect current conditions, projections and objectives.
2. Amendments. Campus Master Plans may be amended at any time by written request which includes the following:
2.1 Narrative description of proposed change(s).
2.2 Specific narrative justification of proposed changes (i.e. changed enrollment assumptions, new programs not anticipated in original plan, etc.)
2.3 Revised wording and/or data required to bring all text, formulas, charts, tables, etc., in the plan into full agreement with the proposed changes.
2.4 Revised overlays describing all changes required to graphic plans and other drawings in the Master Plan to bring them into full agreement with the proposed changes.
C. Campus Facilities Plans (six year)
1. Each institution shall prepare and submit a Campus Facilities Plan on or before November 1 in each odd numbered year, which shall list, identify funding source(s) for, and describe all facility projects which will require expenditure of any funds within the six year period beginning July 1 of the following year. "Facility projects" shall include all property acquisition or disposal, new construction, renovation and/or facilities repair, with the exception of projects with a total cost less than $200,000 which are limited to repairs, utility system improvements, improvements required by codes, and interior renovations. Campus Facilities Plans shall include at least the following:
1.1 Spreadsheet summary, listing all projects in priority order, and indicating for each (a) total project cost, (b) total previous expenditures, (c) anticipated expenditures in each fiscal year within the six-year plan period, (d) fund source for each expenditure, and (e) total expenditures anticipated after the end of the plan period. The spreadsheet should also display (a) total expenditures by fiscal year, (b) totals by year/by fund source, (c) six-year grand totals.
1.2 Statement of construction cost(s) for each project, based on average costs per square foot prevailing at time of preparation of the plan for similar construction.
1.3 Narrative description and justification of each project initiated or significantly modified since submittal of the preceding six-year plan.
2. All projects included in each Campus Facilities Plan shall be consistent in all respects with the submitting institution's approved Master Plan, as revised and/or amended to date. Campus Facilities Plans must include all repair and renovation projects scheduled in Master Plans.
D. Campus Projects Schedules (two-year)
1. Each institution shall prepare and submit a Campus Project Schedule annually on or before November 1 of each even numbered year. These Schedules shall list and identify funding source(s) for all facility projects which will require expenditure of any funds within the two-year period beginning July 1 of the following year. Schedules shall be in spreadsheet format showing anticipated expenditures by fund source for each fiscal year, and shall include totals by project and by fund source.
2. Campus Project Schedules shall be consistent in all respects with current Campus Facilities (Six-Year) Plans, and shall include all projects listed in the last previous Six-Year Plan.
3. In the event that changed circumstances have rendered the last previous Six-Year Campus Facilities Plan incorrect or obsolete in any respect, the institution shall revise such Plan for the balance of its original Six-Year term, and resubmit it in lieu of the Campus Projects Schedule.
F. Operation and Maintenance of Property
1. University System Authority
1.1 Board of Trustees policy (BOT VI.F.2) delegates to the Chancellor the authority to establish University System policy on the operations and maintenance of property and delegate, in turn, to the component institutions the authority to establish correspondent institutional policies.
2. Delegation of Authority
2.1 The Chancellor delegates to the chief executive officers of each component institution the responsibility and authority to establish and administer an operations and maintenance program for all property owned, occupied, or managed by their respective institutions.
2.2 The component institutions' operations and maintenance programs shall include procedures establishing prudent property management practices and ensuring compliance with applicable Board of Trustees and University System policies and state and federal laws. Those programs shall designate specific institutional officials to be responsible for ensuring institutional compliance with program requirements.
3. Policy on Environmental Health and Safety
3.1 Overview
3.1.1 It is the policy of the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) to maintain a reasonably safe environment for its students, faculty and other academic appointees, staff, and visitors.
3.1.2 Operations at each component institution shall be conducted in compliance with applicable regulations, and when appropriate, with accepted health and safety standards.
3.1.3 A Council on Environmental Health and Safety is responsible for overall coordination and assessment of System-wide environmental health and safety efforts. The Council is chaired by the UNH Director of Environmental Health and Safety and includes representation from each component institution. The President or Chancellor of each component institution (GSC, KSC, PSU, UNH, USNH) appoints members to the Council. The Council shall meet quarterly to share current information, and shall provide to the Presidents and then to the Chancellor an annual report describing the state of the University System's environmental health and safety.
3.2 Responsibility
3.2.1 The Chancellor and Presidents are responsible for the implementation of the Environmental Health and Safety policy at their respective component institutions.
3.2.2 Vice Presidents, Deans, Directors, Department Chairs, principal investigators, supervisors, and all other employees are responsible for compliance with this policy as it relates to operations under their control.
3.3 Campus Program Elements and Objectives
3.3.1 The Chancellor, Presidents and Vice Presidents shall enact programs for environmental health and safety and such programs will be in compliance with applicable health and safety standards promulgated by federal, state and local agencies. In the absence of appropriate statutes and governmental regulations, the published standards of nationally recognized professional health and safety organizations would serve as guides. Appropriate working relationships with official regulatory agencies pertinent to environmental health and safety are recommended and encouraged.
3.3.2 Each component institution shall establish a written mission statement to outline operating policies, procedures and guidelines, as well as training for compliance with applicable environmental health and safety objectives listed below.
3.3.3 The written statement and programs for health and safety and environmental compliance shall include, but not be limited to the following program elements and objectives. Injury and Illness Prevention Objectives: The objectives are (1) to provide the means by which workplace hazards are identified and corrected in a timely manner; employees are to be informed of the specific hazards associated with their jobs and are to be trained in the appropriate safe work practices; employees can communicate, without fear of reprisal, their concerns about work area safety, and (2) to integrate existing and future compliance programs and environmental health and safety technical disciplines in a manner to ensure statutory and regulatory compliance in an efficient and logical approach. These programs and disciplines are discussed below. Compliance Programs/Technical Disciplines Industrial Hygiene: The practice of recognition, evaluation and control of potentially harmful substances and physical agents in the work area. The scope of this program shall include, but not be limited to, toxic materials, air quality in controlled environments, elements of physical exposure such as lighting, noise and temperature, and asbestos abatement. General Safety: Identification and correction of factors which contribute to the incidence of accidental injury shall be maintained. The scope of these efforts shall include environmental conditions, engineering and design, maintenance of facilities and equipment, and the human factor. Radiation and Laser Safety: Applicable regulations and appropriate standards shall be observed in the use of radioactive materials and radiation-producing machines. Appropriate guidelines shall be followed relating to the proper use, storage, and disposal of radioactive materials. Occupational Health and Medicine: Appropriate resources and technology shall be applied to the recognition and response to occupational diseases and injury. Preventive health measures and surveillance techniques shall be utilized in a manner consistent with regulatory guidelines, accepted industry standards, and campus policy. The purpose of this program is the maintenance of reasonable standards for the health and safety of campus personnel and students. Integrated Contingency Planning: Contingency planning shall facilitate appropriate mechanisms for accident prevention, mitigation and response to unplanned releases of oil or non-radioactive hazardous material to air, soil, surface water or groundwater. Appropriate contingency plans shall be maintained for each campus and steps taken to ensure adequate familiarity with the plan on the part of campus personnel. Biological Safety: Applicable regulations and accepted standards governing the use, storage, and disposal of hazardous biological substances shall be observed. Conscientious surveillance shall be maintained and resources and technology applied to the handling of bio-hazardous substances consistent with regulatory controls and/or recognized health and safety standards. Diving Safety: Diving operations under the auspices of the University of New Hampshire shall be conduced in compliance with appropriate regulations, safety standards, and campus policy. Hazardous Materials and Environmental Management Objectives: The objectives are: (1) to comply with statutory and regulatory requirements for hazardous materials inventory and emissions reporting; and (2) to collect, classify, and pack for shipment all hazardous waste for proper disposition. Compliance Programs Hazardous Waste Management: Procedures and facilities shall be maintained to allow for the preparation and ultimate disposal of hazardous waste produced by the campus. All applicable laws and regulations shall be used to establish standards for compliance. Hazardous Materials Inventory and Reporting: This program develops and maintains campus hazardous materials inventories for the purpose of complying with regulations related to hazard communication, community right-to-know, air emissions, building/fire codes, and emergency preparedness.