C. Employment

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "USA.V.C.1.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

1.   Vacant Position Procedures

1.1   The following procedures are being introduced, effective January 2014, to ensure a prudent, equitable and justifiable process for managing vacant positions in the System Office. In addition, establishing a review process that supports a culture of transparency, inclusiveness and customer service will be critical to identifying and hiring staff that will support and promote this culture.

1.2   Regardless of position status and funding, a request for a replacement of a vacant position is not automatic and will be reviewed using the procedures listed below. In most cases, the Chancellor and/or the Chancellor's Executive Team will make the final determination on each vacant position.

1.3   Vacant Position Process

1.3.1   When a position becomes vacant, the manager should take the following actions:   Update the job description (as needed)   Update or create a department organizational chart   Write a compelling and accurate summary of position need and include responses to each of the following questions:

  • Is this position still needed?
  • How does/will it support the campuses and/or Board?
  • Can the duties of this position be included in an existing position?
  • Is this an opportunity to reorganize the department and the associated work?
  • Is there continued and appropriate funding for this position?

1.3.2   Once the summary, job description and department organizational chart are updated and complete, the manager should meet with their functional Principal Administrator (PA) to review.

1.3.3   The respective PA (Finance, Legal and HR) will then provide this information to the Chancellor's Executive Team for review, discussion and final determination of the position status.

1.4   Filling a Vacant Position

1.4.1   Approval to fill a vacant position must be obtained from the Chancellor or the respective PA on behalf of the Chancellor.

1.4.2   Once approval is obtained for a manager to proceed with filling a vacant position, the following steps should be followed when sourcing a candidate:   Meet with HR to begin the posting and selection process;   Depending on the level of the position, the respective PA and the manager, should identify one Chancellor's Executive Team member to serve on the interview team;   The manager, with input from the respective PA, should also identify staff members from other functional areas (as appropriate) to be included in the interview process; and   As needed, the manager can invite functional staff from the campuses to be included during the interview process.

1.5   Vacant Position Reporting

1.5.1   Each month, or as positions become vacant, HR will send to the Chancellor and the Chancellor's Executive Team an updated vacant position report. This report will provide the relevant details on each vacant position including:   Position title and department   Days position has been vacant   Status of position (open, under review, filled, or eliminated).