A. Policy Development and Distribution

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "BOT.III.A.1.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

A. Policy Development and Distribution

  1. Statutory Authority
    1. The Board of Trustees, under RSA 187-A:16, has the authority to manage the operation and affairs of the University System and its component institutions. That authority includes the power to adopt policies concerning the general administration of the University System. Those policies shall be called "Board of Trustees Policies" and designated by the initials "BOT."
    2. The presidents, under RSA 187-A:16, are responsible for the general administration and supervision of all aspects of the institutional, research, and service programs of their respective institutions.
    3. The Administrative Board, under RSA 187-A:16, has the authority to coordinate the efforts of the component institutions only as specifically designated by the Board of Trustees and the responsibility to discharge any such other duties as the Board of Trustees may assign.
  2. Delegation of Authority
    1. The Board of Trustees delegates to the Administrative Board the authority to adopt University System policies which shall be consistent with Board of Trustees Policies and generally applicable across the component institutions of the University System. Those policies shall be called "University System Policies" and designated by the initials "USY."
    2. The Board of Trustees delegates to each of the presidents the authority to adopt policies applicable to their respective institutions. Those policies shall be consistent with Board of Trustees and University System Policies. Those policies shall be known as "Institutional Policies" and designated by the relevant institutional initials, e.g. "KSC," "PSU," "GSC," and "UNH."
  3. Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal of Policies
    1. Proposals to adopt, amend, or repeal a Board of Trustee policy ordinarily will be reviewed by the Administrative Board and, if recommended, reported to an appropriate Trustee committee as established in the Board's Bylaws or determined by the Board Chair. That Trustee committee shall review the proposal and report its recommendation to the full Board.
    2. A Board of Trustees Policy can be adopted, amended, or repealed only by a vote of the Board of Trustees taken in accordance with the Bylaws.
    3. A University System Policy can be adopted, amended, or repealed only by the Administrative Board.
    4. An Institutional Policy can be adopted, amended, or repealed only by written decision of the president of the relevant component institution.
  4. Publication and Distribution of Policies
    1. The Chancellor shall develop and administer a system for publishing and distributing the policies adopted by the Board of Trustees, the University System, and the component institutions.
    2. The publication system shall require that uniform numbering and format conventions be followed in the development and adoption of any policy.
    3. The distribution system shall be designed to provide faculty, staff, and students access to all USNH policies.
  5. Interpretation and Priority of Policies
    1. The policies of the Board of Trustees, the University System, and each component institution shall be interpreted liberally to give the greatest possible effect to the purposes for which they were adopted.
    2. In the event of an irreconcilable conflict between policies, a policy of the Board of Trustees shall have priority over any conflicting policies of the University System and the component institutions. Similarly, a policy of the University System shall have priority over any conflicting policies of the component institutions.
  6. Effective Date of Policies
    1. Unless otherwise specified, a policy shall be effective immediately upon adoption.