Planning for Retirement

New! Click here for information about USNH Retirement Webinars 2024

USNH offers all eligible employees the opportunity to save for their future with two retirement plans: the 403(b) Retirement Plan and the 457(b) Deferred Compensation Retirement Plan. Learn more about our retirement plans in our 2024 Benefits Guide.

The Summary of Plan Provisions describes plan information, including, but not limited to eligibility, enrollment, contribution levels, vesting* (including breaks in service), beneficiaries, withdrawals, involuntary termination, additional retirement contributions, and annual limits. The Plan is subject to federal laws, such as the Internal Revenue Code (IRS) and other federal and state laws. The provisions of the Plan are subject to revision due to changes in laws or to pronouncement(s) by the IRS. See Policy USY V.A.7. Benefits Following Retirement for information and eligibility.


Utilize CAPTRUST for independent, unbiased investment advice. CAPTRUST serves as your single point of contact for advice and can make recommendations about your investment funds, based on your needs and fund performance. Schedule your free appointment online:  or call CAPTRUST directly at 800-967-9948.

Retirement Readiness Webinars – Hosted by USNH

USNH HR recently hosted retirement planning sessions for employees 55 and older to learn about the top things to do before you retire, your income options in retirement, and hear about the Medicare and Social Security resources. Look for more retirement focused webinars in the future. 

Fidelity Presentation - Top Ten Things to do Before You Retire


TIAA: 2024 TIAA Webinars
Fidelity: 2024 Fidelity Webinars

One on One Retirement Planning Sessions
Sign up for a one-on-one retirement planning session with an expert advisor.

Vesting *   Vesting of contributions. Employees are fully and immediately vested in the accrued benefits arising from their contributions as well as employer contributions. Employees covered under a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) should refer to their CBA to determine when they meet the vesting requirements.