D. Campus Projects Schedules (two-year)
1. Each institution shall prepare and submit a Campus Project Schedule annually on or before November 1 of each even numbered year. These Schedules shall list and identify funding source(s) for all facility projects which will require expenditure of any funds within the two-year period beginning July 1 of the following year. Schedules shall be in spreadsheet format showing anticipated expenditures by fund source for each fiscal year, and shall include totals by project and by fund source.
2. Campus Project Schedules shall be consistent in all respects with current Campus Facilities (Six-Year) Plans, and shall include all projects listed in the last previous Six-Year Plan.
3. In the event that changed circumstances have rendered the last previous Six-Year Campus Facilities Plan incorrect or obsolete in any respect, the institution shall revise such Plan for the balance of its original Six-Year term, and resubmit it in lieu of the Campus Projects Schedule.